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Mondo Barley

Mondo Barley is a very ancient and nutritious cereal that requires prior soaking, a fairly long cooking but has a very tasty taste. It can be used for salads, risottos and soups.

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Mondo Barley is a very ancient and nutritious cereal that requires prior soaking, a fairly long cooking but has a very tasty taste. It can be used for salads, risottos and soups.

Nutritional properties
Mondo barley contains more fibers, mineral salts, vitamins and far fewer calories than other cereals. Barley is a cereal that contains eight essential amino acids. For this reason, numerous beneficial effects are attributed to it that you may not be aware of, such as: - Anti-inflammatory and refreshing properties for the entire digestive system, respiratory system and urinary tract.
- It gives relief to those suffering from irritable bowel.
- Laxative properties: excellent for combating constipation.
- It contrasts gastritis, gastric reflux.
- It stimulates peripheral circulation (small caliber arteries and veins and capillaries).
- It remineralizes the bones, because it is very rich in phosphorus

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Orzo Mondo

Data sheet

500 g
Organic Mondo Barley

Our recipe
Mondo Barley Soup

Ingredients for 4 people


  • 200 g soaked barley
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 onion
  • 1 medium potato
  • Pepper and salt
  • 1 tablespoon chopped chives
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of e.v.o. oil
  • 50 g smoked bacon (optional)
  • Vegetable broth (but also meat)
  • Parmesan cheese

Pulire e tagliare la verdura a dadini e la cipolla a fettine sottili; versare un cucchiaio d’olio in una pentola (possibilmente dal fondo spesso), farvi appassire la cipolla e poi aggiungere carota e sedano, facendo soffriggere per qualche minuto. 

A questo punto, se volete, potete aggiungere la pancetta a dadini. E’ ora il momento di gettare l’orzo, subito bagnato da qualche mescolo di brodo, e l’alloro. 

Fate cuocere a fuoco basso per 45’/ 50’ minuti, sempre aggiungendo brodo se la zuppa diviene troppo densa. A 15’ da fine cottura aggiungete i dadini di patate. 

Una volta cotta la minestra, regolate di sale/pepe, cospargetela coll’erba cipollina, ammorbiditela con un cucchiaio d’olio e insaporitela col grana grattugiato.