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Black Chickpeas

Black chickpeas are a variety of chickpeas typical of the Mediterranean area. Their flavor and nutritional characteristics are similar to those of the common chickpeas.

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Black chickpeas are a variety of chickpeas typical of the Mediterranean area. Their flavor and nutritional characteristics are similar to those of the common chickpeas. The history of this legume has its roots in the ancient civilizations of the Egyptians and of the Greeks. Even the ancient Romans appreciated the chickpeas they used to consume them fried. Soak for 24 hours and cook in boiling water for about 2 hours. Pack of 500 g in a protected atmosphere.

Nutritional properties
Their flavor and nutritional characteristics are similar to those of common chickpeas, but they are richer in iron, vitamins (B, C, K, E) and mineral salts (phosphorus, magnesium and potassium). Furthermore, black chickpeas are tastier and more aromatic than clear ones. Their consumption helps regulate the amount of glucose in the blood and by virtue of the large amount of iron, they are suitable for pregnant women or those who have recently given birth. The consumption of chickpeas is recommended above all to keep bones healthy, due to their richness in mineral salts and to lower cholesterol. Thanks to their potassium content, chickpeas are believed to be beneficial for maintaining heart health and good blood circulation. They are also particularly rich in fibre, even triple compared to light chickpeas and are essential for those suffering from celiac disease. Finally, like all chickpeas, they have the ability to satiate the stomach, since foods rich in fiber require a longer time to be digested.

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Cece Nero

Data sheet

500 g
Organic Black Chickpeas

Our recipe
Black chickpea salad

Ingredients for 4 people


  • 250 g of black chickpeas
  • 250 g of cherry tomatoes
  • 2–3 celery sticks
  • 1 red onion from Tropea
  • 100ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of mixed herbs
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste

First you need to wash the chickpeas under running water to remove any impurities; Keep in mind that black chickpeas need a rather long soak, about twice as long as common chickpeas, so it will be necessary to leave them in water - to be changed at least a couple of times - for 48 hours to soften the peel well. At this point, proceed with cooking in plenty of water for two hours or in any case until the desired degree of softness is reached (cooking times are halved using a pressure cooker); remember to salt the water only at the end, to prevent the chickpeas from hardening. Now let's prepare the oil with the aromatic herbs, pour the oil and the mixed aromatic herbs into the tall glass of the hand blender. Blend 1-2 minutes. Wash and cut the celery into slices and the cherry tomatoes into cubes. Peel the onion and slice it as finely as possible. In a bowl, combine the black chickpeas and all the other vegetables. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper, a little herb oil and lemon juice. If you have time, leave the salad to flavor 1-2 hours before serving, in this way the onion will marinate thanks to the lemon and salt, becoming more digestible and with a less strong flavour.